On web radio!

Marcsonic has been played on the Sounds of Tomorrow web radio podcast!
You can listen to it on the podcast page, and later on the archive page for the next few months.  This is an excellent show, with variety and uncompromising good tunes.  I’m honored to be on it.  Check it out:
Sounds of Tomorrow

Marcsonic in 2014

Well come to Marcsonic in 2014!  I hope your year is going well.   I have added a Facebook page for Marcsonic.   Remember, Next Level is available on iTunes and Amazon, as well as other sites on the web.  My next goal is to get on the stage with the Next Level tunes.  Thanks for checking in!


The Proof

Today I received the proof of the first Marcsonic CD, “Next Level”. This is the first physical copy of the CD and the artwork made so that I can listen to how it sounds and review it for errors in the credits before more copies are made. Well, it sounds great and there are no errors! That means is can be manufactured, and will be out within two weeks.

Almost there!

The CD mastering is complete and sounds great, thanks to Kris Johnson. The master has been sent off to manufacturing. Kordula has done a fabulous design for the CD artwork. I think you’ll like it!